Seat availability varies depending on each class.
Admission Process |
1. Request Information Materials |
We accept inquiries by phone or through our website. |
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them when requesting information materials |
2. Visit IBK(booking by phone or email is required) |
During your visit to IBK, you will have an opportunity to see actual lessons, our students, kindergarten facilities and the whole IBK environment in general. After the tour, our kindergarten staff will explain in details about IBK and answer your questions. You are welcome to have a tour together with your child. |
*In addition to regular tours of IBK, we also hold enrollment information sessions. |
Please, see our website for details. |
3. Submit an Application Form |
If you would like to enroll your child in IBK after your visit and an interview, please submit a set of application documents (our staff will give it to you). Please, submit these documents on the day of enrollment in IBK. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Once your application is submitted, applicants aged more than 3 years old will be asked to take an assessment test. |

Neptune Class
(18 mos-2.6 yrs old)
Total number of students: 12
Homeroom teachers: 1 foreign teacher, 1 Japanese licensed nursery teacher, 1 teacher assistant

(2 yrs old)
Total number of students: 12
Homeroom teachers: 1 foreign teacher, 1 Japanese licensed nursery teacher, 1 teacher assistant

(2 yrs old)
Total number of students: 12
Homeroom teachers: 1 foreign teacher, 1 Japanese licensed nursery teacher, 1 teacher assistant

Jupiter Class
(3 yrs old)
Total number of students: 24
Homeroom teachers: 1 foreign teacher, 1 Japanese licensed nursery teacher, 1 teacher assistant

(4 yrs old)
Junior Kinder
Total number of students: 24
Homeroom teachers: 1 foreign teacher, 1 Japanese licensed nursery teacher, 1 teacher assistant

(5 yrs old)
Senior Kinder
Total number of students: 24
Homeroom teachers: 1 foreign teacher, 1 Japanese licensed nursery teacher, 1 teacher assistant
Classes Names According to the Students' Age
Classes in IBK are designed to match with the start of Japanese elementary school. |
The school year in IBK starts in April, while in March, children move to the next class or graduate the kindergarten. |
Classes Names |
Neptune |
(from18 months old) |
Mercury 1 |
(from 2 years old) |
Mercury 2 |
(from 2 years old) |
Jupiter |
(from 3 years old, Pre-kinder) |
Venus 1 |
(from 4 years old, Junior Kinder) |
Venus 2 |
(from 5 years old, Senior Kinder) |
*We consider 18 months an appropriate age for the beginning of the mother and child separation process. |
Period of Admission to IBK
The new school year in IBK starts in April, however, we accept new students throughout the year. |
New students can enroll in IBK throughout the year |
Preschoolers (18 months - 2 years old) |
If there is a vacancy in a class appropriate to your child's age, you can get admitted to IBK any time. Please, inquire about the availability in advance. |
Neptune Class |
Students' Age: 18 moths |
Mercury Class |
Students' Age: 2 years old |
Kindergarteners (3-5 years old) |
Jupiter Class (Pre-Kinder) |
Students' Age: 3 years old |
Venus1Class (Junior Kinder) |
Student's age: 4 years old |
Venus2Class (Senior Kinder) |
Students' age: 5 years old |
As Jupiter Class consists of students who moved from Mercury Class, we require new students from 3 to 5 years old to pass an assessment test (free of charge). |
Admission Fees
Please, see the following link for details. |
Fees required for enrollment |
Childcare Fees
Admission and childcare fees vary depending on a child's age and a childcare course. |
To see the price list and information materials, you may order them on the Materials/Inquiries page. |
Neptune&Mercury ClassesThe childcare fees depend on the class, the number of days your child attends IBK (3-5), and a childcare course (short/regular/early morning). |
Jupiter, Venus1 & Venus2 Classes The fee is for the full course only. Childcare fee consists of a childcare course fee (short/regular). |
Other fees you are required to pay during the admission process are as following: admission/tuition/education enhancement/goods (work bag, fire-resistant hood)/ uniform (T-shirt,sweatshirt)/lunch box (only in case of ordering IBK lunch) fees. Regarding snack fee, please see the following link. |
Fees required for enrollment |
Admission Process
Please, see the link below |
Enrollment Procedures |
Visit IBK |
Interview |
★Fill out the Counseling Form |
IBK Tour |
Explanation about IBK by our staff |
★Fill out the Visitor Check Sheet |
Admission Procedure |
Fill out the Admission Application Form |
Once you pay the admission fee, we will oficially secure the seat for your child |